8 Keys to a More Respectful Workplace: 06. Neutralize Bullying

1 module



Course Length
11 mins

Lori Whitesides


They are familiar figures we encounter all too often in our schools and workplaces. The older student who picks on the vulnerable younger kid, afraid to fight back. The manager who embarrasses a subordinate in front of the team. Bullies at work can be costly and counterproductive. Raising awareness is the first step to ending it. Goal: The goal of this course is to raise awareness of who can be a bully, how bullying manifests itself in the workplace and how bullying can have an incredibly negative impact on morale and productivity.


  • Demonstrate an understanding of what bullying is and who can be a perpetrator
  • Demonstrate the ability to use the proper techniques to document and help to stop the bullying behavior
  • Demonstrate the insight to recognize if you are yourself a bully and, if so, why you should stop


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Certificate of Completion

8 Keys to a More Respectful Workplace: 06. Neutralize Bullying
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Added about 1 month ago, by Danielle

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