Time Management with Google Calendar

1 module



Course Length
48 mins

Lori Whitesides


Do you have Trouble Managing Your Time? • Do deadlines sneak up on you, or do you miss them altogether? • Does time "get away from you," where you can't believe how much time has passed and how much you still have to do? • Do you have multiple tools and systems to manage your time? • Do you feel overwhelmed by managing your calendar and tasks? If this is you, don't worry:  You're among friends! These days we're busier than ever.  We all have to juggle multiple commitments occurring at different times, locations, and even in cyberspace.  Most of us are simultaneously involved in various projects with multiple timelines, due dates, and dependencies. Few of us can manage our time well on our own. Welcome to Time Management with Google Calendar, where you will become a time management master using a single free tool, Google Calendar. This short course is chock full of techniques and processes you can quickly and immediately employ to better manage your time and projects.  First, you'll learn respected and proven methods used by successful professionals to manage time, and then, you'll learn to use Google Calendar as the one and only tool for time management. Don't suffer any longer!  Join Time Management with Google Calendar and Master your time now!


  • Become more intentional with your time and become more productive
  • Set time priorities and spend more of your time the way you'd want
  • Use Google Calendar as a tool for managing short term processes and long term projects
  • Manage your tasks and prioritize them to free up time using Google Calendar
  • Use the time blocking technique in Google Calendar to become more productive


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Certificate of Completion

Time Management with Google Calendar
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