Unconscious Bias

1 module



Course Length
20 mins

Lori Whitesides


This course is different to most unconscious bias e-learning modules. We’re not going to pretend that after this e-learning, and clicking through scenario slides – you are going to be magically cured of your unconscious biases. No, instead, we want to take you on a kind of unconscious bias journey. We predict, as you discover more about unconscious bias – you’re going to go through some key stages. The first being denial – “Me, bias – never!” After that comes apathy – “If bias does exist – I’m sure it’s no big deal.” And finally, despair, as the reality of your biases sink in – “I’m a monster – I can’t change.” It’s at this point that we’ll provide you with some actionable advice and take away challenges that can help to combat unconscious biases where you work. We really hope you enjoy discovering how your brain works.


  • Develop awareness of your own unconscious biases
  • Overcome stereotypes and prejudice in the workplace


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Certificate of Completion

Unconscious Bias
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